Become a Member, Donor or Sponsor
Membership - This is a great way to donate to the farm and gets some perks such as free visits and discounts at the Big Red Barn on normal visiting days. Prices range from $35 - $90. Click on Become a Member below.
Donor - One time or monthly donations of any amount to help sustain farm operations through PayPal or checks mailed directly to Crowe’s Nest Farm. Use the Donate button below.
Sponsorship - Individuals and organizations that are able to make a contribution in a more lasting way. Click on Sponsorships below.
In this way you will help us foster public appreciation, knowledge, and wise stewardship of the agricultural and wildlife resources of Texas. Pick which is right for you. As a 501 C (3) gifts are tax-deductible charitable contributions as allowed by the IRS.
Please consider partnering with us to support our animals with the best care possible and to make a difference in children’s learning through a monthly pledge or by making a one-time tax-deductible donation. Please use the button below or make checks payable to Crowe’s Nest Farm, and Mail to: Crowe’s Nest Farm, Attn. Dave Williams, 10300 Taylor Ln., Manor, TX 78653